White Fortress

a thrilling historical adventure set in fourteenth-century Europe

Beth Morrison, Boyd Morrison

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The thrilling new historical adventure in the Tales of the Lawless Land series from New York Times bestselling author Boyd Morrison and expert medievalist Beth Morrison.Croatia, 1351. Daring knight Gerard Fox and his adventurous wife Willa, fresh from a dangerous quest across Italy and Greece, soon find themselves embroiled in a new intrigue as they sail toward the walled city of Dubrovnik.Having inadvertently hindered a rescue mission, Fox and Willa make amends by helping a desperate Croatian couple forced into a terrible dilemma: either they betray their hometown to a treacherous nobleman and the brutal warlord he serves, or their abducted child will be murdered.A century-old prophecy and a lost codex written by fabled explorer Marco Polo are key to stopping the warlord's conquest, which could spark a devastating war along the entire Adriatic coast. Fox and Willa race against time to devise a plan for saving a child, a town, and a country knowing it could cost them everything if they fail...Reviews for the TALES OF THE LAWLESS LAND series'The Morrisons bring the Middle Ages to life in vivid detail.' Graham Brown'Full of both authenticity and thrills.' Mark Greaney'Complete with mysteries, secrets, and adventure, rich in detail, delivering exactly what a reader craves.' Steve Berry'Action galore. What a ride!' Elizabeth George

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