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How to Control the Uncontrollable

10 Game-Changing Ideas to Help You Think Like a Stoic and Build a Resilient Life

Ben Aldridge

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“The more we value things outside our control the less control we have” Epictetus

Every one of us will encounter tough times. There’s no escape.  This is what it means to be human. But what if there was a way to make these tough times easier?

Enter Stoicism.

This ancient Greek philosophy has a lot to offer that is as relevant today as it was 2000 years ago – its guiding purpose was to help us to live better lives.  The Stoic Golden Rule was that “
we can’t control external events, but we can choose how to respond to them”. This idea can have a profound effect on how we exist in the world.

Taking Stoic philosophy into the everyday, practical philosopher and adventurer Ben Aldridge, explores the 10 key Stoic guiding principles and how they can help you build a more resilient life.  

This book isn’t just for philosophizing – it’s a book for doing. 

Ben also shares a host of challenges that you can use to put Stoicism into practice.  These include:

  • Creating your own anti-bucket list
  • Intentionally experiencing voluntary discomfort
  • Cultivating a non-judgemental approach to life
  • Contemplating your own mortality (Memento Mori)

“You have the power over your mind – not outside events.  Realize this, and you will find strength” Marcus Aurelius



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