I Am Was Spiderman

Scott Leva

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Running Wild Press img Link Publisher

Belletristik / Romanhafte Biographien


What does an award winning 2nd Unit Director / Stunt coordinator have in common with one world famous wall crawling hero? More than one might imagine. In his memoir, he talks about his life. Growing up. Dreams of being an actor, working with Marvel Comics. His relationships with the creators. Stan Lee, Jack Kirby and John Romita. The movie with cannon films, that almost got made and his work in films today. With stories about working with Steven Spielberg, Clint Eastwood and few other famous directors and actors. Winning an academy award for an invention that changed an aspect of the industry and even the world that has saved lives. An entertaining trip that takes the reader through a history involving an iconic comic legend , that in some ways shaped the authors life and has left a positive imprint on him and many other people that have known him.
