Reflection Through The Mirror

Denise M. Thomas

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Ratgeber / Lebenshilfe, Alltag


After reflecting on your life then controlling your life destiny is all up to you. Take a look inside yourself, can you change anything or dump the weights that are holding you down. Make a decision not to let anything destroy you, no it will not be easy but with Jesus its possible. Sometime you will be in pain and no one will know, because you will have to use your game face. Change your thought pattern, love yourself and enjoy your own company. Learn to set goals and challenge yourself to succeed. Forget about if only I was born with this or that, you can make it an be happy. Remember your happiness isn't measured by anyone but yourself, just Look in the Mirror and really see yourself. We all have something or someone that is a stumbling block, no matter if you are rich or poor. Even if you were abused mental or physical you can overcome the pain dont become the victim or accuser become the answer. Fight with everything in you, believe me it will not be easy; place your hand in the Lord's hand and seek his help daily.



about loving yourself, faith in God, story about life, inspirational, motivational, self - help