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Realms of the Human Unconscious

Observations from LSD Research

Stanislav Grof

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Geisteswissenschaften, Kunst, Musik / Psychologie


Stanislav Grof is one of the founding fathers of the modern consciousness movement and here is his pioneering work, Realms of the Human Unconscious, reissued for a new generation that has found Grof's work to be increasingly important for their time.

Dr Grof views LSD as an unspecific amplifier of the unconscious. He has developed an understanding of the domains of the unconscious (Freudian, Jungian and Rankian) which unfold under the LSD experience that forms the basis for his radical psychology. He explains a range of fundamental discoveries, previously mysterious, that change the way we think about human potential.

LSD has the potential to be used in study of schizophrenia, psychiatry and psychotherapy; as well as its role in a deeper understanding of art, mythology and religion. Dr Grof's extensive research has included experiential psychotherapy using psychedelics, alternative approaches to psychoses and the understanding of psychospiritual crises.
Realms of Human Unconscious is Stanislav Grof's classic introduction to non-ordinary states of consciousness, and the foundation of his work on transpersonal psychology. It has proved to be a map to the inner transformation that we need and a revolutionary guide to living in the world with spiritual intelligence.


s case histories contain an incredibly rich fund of mythological, literary and mystical reference points.
s work is the most important contribution to personality theory in several decades.

To call this book impressive is to underrate its impact. It has been a privilege to review this book. It is not an easy work to digest and plunges the reader into undreamt of areas of the Human Psyche, but to all those who would have the courage to look at life squarely in the face, I would urge you to read it.

Probably the most comprehensive and far-reaching study of the drug LSD to date... nobody who is interested in healing can afford to ignore these results... Well worth reading.
s that so well incorporates the findings of Freud and Jung, adding fresh insights, which the methods of those psychotherapists could never have achieved.
I know of no work other than Grof'
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states of consciousness, human consciousness, unconscious mind, Microdosing, spiritual psychology, 1960s, LSD, Stanislav Grof, jungian psychology, Otto Rank, freudian psychology, Joseph Campbell